Welcome to Fork, Knife, Spoon!

This is for all my friends who’ve repeatedly said “why don’t you do a food blog?” Well, here it is, my first posting. (Marylee, you deserve the prize for being the most persistent.) My goal is to get at least 12 followers, just like Jesus. Or maybe I should go for a baker’s dozen? So help me out, friends! Follow a gal!

People often describe me as being like Martha Stewart, but that’s hardly fair. After all, I’ve never done prison time. Seriously, Martha’s my idol, and I’m no where close to possessing her domestic creativity. I love to try her recipes, as well as recipes from a variety of other magazines and websites, and then tweak ingredients and process to suit my family’s taste. So that’s what you’ll see on the pages of this blog – not typically my own creations, but my tests and trials of what the REAL food geniuses are doing. Working in a comm and marketing department, I know to give credit where credit is due, so all originators of recipes will be acknowledged!

Another passion of mine is glamming up a table for an event, whether it’s a small table for a family birthday party, or a dozen large tables for a ladies Christmas tea at church. You’ll see pics of table settings and centerpieces, invites and banners. Frugal is often my focus, so budget-minded folks will appreciate the posts. (Hey, I was Pinterest-y long before there was Pinterest. Just ask my mother, who patiently put up with my childhood collections of cans, bottles, other scraps, in case I could “do something with them.” Right, Mom?)

Anywho…welcome to my blog, and thanks for following so far!



15 thoughts on “Welcome to Fork, Knife, Spoon!

  1. I’m looking forward to this, Cheryl! I haven’t been privy to your graphic creations, of course, but remember well the restaurant reviews and recipe hints in the SPPP a few years back. And of course I remember well some other of your creations (the large stuffed turtles, and the animal ears & tails) that were thoroughly enjoyed by my daughters. Best wishes in this new venture!

    • Thanks, Alice! Don’t get your hopes up TOO high…I’m a novice at this blogging stuff. Appreciate your support. And letting me “practice” on your delightful daughters. :o)

  2. Congratulations on this new creative endeavor! I’m getting hungry reading it already.

  3. Hi Cheryl! I’m looking forward to your blog; you are amazingly creative! I just was thinking about you yesterday sitting across the table from Brian wearing the Tamarack sweatshirt you designed the logo for. I still love that design. Best wishes and happy spring!

  4. Cheryl, I have admired your creativity and sense of humor since I first met you ($&@?! years ago)! Looking forward to keeping up with your blog!

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