Scones have gotten a bad rap. Some even go so far as to call them “stones.” That’s because they have a tendency to get tough and chewy if kneaded too much, so the secret to perfect scones is to barely knead the dough and do a quick, hot bake in the oven. And the beauty of this super easy recipe is that you can do any fruit add-in you want. Or poppy seeds, or mini chocolate chips, or coconut… whatever you’re hankering for. Frozen fruit works better than fresh in this recipe, so it’s perfect for winter when fresh berries are super expensive, and often not all that flavorful. Dried fruit work great, too.
I’ve had this recipe for years and years—I clipped it from a magazine, and don’t recall which one. So pardon me for not giving credit where credit is due! My daughter-in-law, Ashley, was craving scones one Saturday morning and asked if I had a decent recipe. I hadn’t made these in a while, but dusted off the recipe and gave it a go. I’ll have to put this one back into circulation again, because it’s a winner!
Makes 8 scones
2 1/2 cups all-purpose white flour
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 Tablespoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
5 Tablespoons butter *
1 egg
1/2 cup Half & Half *
1/2 cup frozen blueberries (or raspberries, or chocolate chips, etc.)
1/4 cup currants, craisins, raisins, etc.
2 Tablespoons poppy seeds
2 teaspoons Half & Half
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. In
Form dough into
To make these extra delicious, smear with cream cheese, and/or fresh jam.
*NOTE: If you don’t have Half & Half on hand, you can use milk. Then up your butter amount to 6 Tablespoons.